Interim Management
Corporate Advisory

The reasons for

Is your company facing challenging times? New projects? Restructuring? Generational change? Implementation of new systems? We bring these challenges to life with expertise and experience, and we’re happy to lend you our know-how. Just rent a management!


“There is a space between stimulus and response. In this space, we have the freedom and power to choose our response. Growth and our freedom lie in this response.” (Victor Frankl)

We provide our experience, talents and services for this area of opportunities and developments for your company. From IFRS to ERP. From risk management to cost savings.
We get you on the road to success!

CFO Services

Interim CFO for temporary assignments or special situations.


No project is too large. No program is too complex. Certain projects demand a seasoned leader with the right blend of experience and insight.

Post Merger Integration

Post-Merger Integration, or PMI for short, is the key to sustainable business success and value creation after a merger or acquisition. We are specialists in PMI and excel at restoring harmony to your business.


We are IFRS-certified, offering you the perfect blend of theoretical knowledge, practical expertise, and extensive experience. We develop and implement IFRS standards and projects with precision and excellence.


How is your company performing economically? What investments or changes might be worthwhile? We conduct an evaluation to establish a solid foundation for your path to success.

Risk Management

Effective risk management is a key element that must be integrated into a company's processes and structures. We are here to support you—competently, with experience, and with a clear focus.

The Internal Control System (ICS) plays a central role in a company and is essential for enhanced governance and oversight. We improve the efficiency of your ICS and align it with your risk management framework.

Temporary Assumption of Executive Roles

Do you need a temporary CEO or board member? We are happy to step in and assume these executive roles within your company, helping you navigate challenging times and bridge the gap effectively.

Expert Opinions & Second Opinions

Get a second opinion or an expert report from us! You'll receive fact-based answers to economic questions such as investment calculations, financing, and strategic issues.

Advisory & Design of Excel Financial Models

We are happy to advise you on economic matters such as investments or financing and can develop Excel models for targeted or ongoing support as needed.

Expansion & Transformation

Is your business your passion? It’s ours too. That’s why we’re here to support you throughout the process, assisting with business development, financial planning, structure, and everything else that comes with it.

Workshops & Trainings

Would you like to take control of cost management, controlling, and risk management yourself? How about a workshop or training session with us?

Client Testimonials

"Mr. Resch demonstrates exceptional motivation and deep knowledge. I extend my special thanks to Mr. Resch for his dedication and commitment."

Dr. Vavrovsky


ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG

"Stefan assisted us in optimizing our reporting system and improving our reporting processes. His ability to process complex data and produce precise reports was of great value. I highly recommend him as an interim manager."

Stephan Rauscher


Eisenbahndienstleister GmbH Schweiz

"We know Mr. Resch as a highly trustworthy manager with strong strategic insight and negotiation skills. If the need arises and he is available, we would gladly and confidently seek his competent and pleasant expertise again."

Peter Schark


BIK Breitbandinitiative Kärnten GmbH

"During his time, he played a key role in the redesign of the controlling system, advancing it with careful attention and a clear focus on objectives. His structured and analytical approach was especially remarkable in our collaboration."

Dr. Vavrovsky


ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG

“We know Mr. Resch as a highly professional and trustworthy advisor and business partner with excellent judgment and a strong focus on solutions.”

Robert Bubenik

Investment Controlling

Swietelsky AG

What is Interim Management?

Interim Management is now an important tool in many industries.
It involves the temporary placement of an experienced executive within a company. Their tasks include overcoming specific challenges, seizing opportunities, implementing projects, and providing new perspectives.

Contact Us Today!

Interim Finance

Wir bauen gerade um...

DI Mag. Stefan Resch
Tel. +43 699 163 05 966
Adresse. Promenadegasse 49 Top 1, 1170 Wien